
Veterinary Nurses
Vilena Fung
Veterinary Nurse
Veterinary Specialty Hospital
Vilena Fung | Veterinary Nurse | Veterinary Specialty Hospital |
致Nerdy Vet Nurse的感謝信:
作為一個獸醫護士,真係唔係只是中意動物就可以做得到,所以我都好敬佩Jan可以有勇氣及毅力成立Nerdy Vet Nurse呢個機構。係香港,入行真係唔難,初初白紙一張既時候好多知識或者做法都係聽前輩或者醫生講乜就係乜,完全無去唸點解,set個fluid rate永遠都係體重乘以3,上完堂之後先識得去考慮脫水的狀況或者潛在問題。
Summer Lee
Veterinary Nurse
Buddy's Animal Medical Centre
Summer Lee | Veterinary Nurse | Buddy's Animal Medical Centre |
入左行5年,其實之前都已經係同事口中聽過Nerdy vet nurse架啦!係尼個行業幾年裏頭都會知道VA既質素其實好參差。
當真係join左course 先會發現5年既經驗其實有好多基礎知識未係好穩固,NVN 既courses 真係一個好好既渠道去穩固同豐富vet nursing 各個範疇既知識,例如安全既手術麻醉(無論係大至monitoring & concept of anaesthesia ,細至anaesthesia machine etc….)甚至乎係個別有興趣既topic 就例如係cardiovascular system & heart disease etc…
同埋上堂既形式都好好,係小班教學既形式而且上堂嘅時候Jan又好好地take care 每一個學生,最緊要既係Jan講堂完全唔會悶,每一個section 都會令我好專心咁聽落去。而且,上完堂學到既所有知識同技巧,對於工作上真係有好大嘅幫助,所以非常建議任何有興趣嘅獸醫護士參加佢哋嘅課程啦!
Molly Fung
Veterinary Nurse
Molly Fung | Veterinary Nurse |
上過anesthesia同blood transfusion
感覺Jan好用心 每個subject都再分成幾個小topic,又會再加啲工作上既例子
另外覺得NVN間唔時會post 唔同既資訊 內容易明
Veterinary Nurse
HK Island East Small Animal & Exotic Veterinary Hospital
Angel | Veterinary Nurse | HK Island East Small Animal & Exotic Veterinary Hospital |
平常返工一般都好忙,有好多嘢想問人但又怕阻住人,有時候同一個問題,問十個人又可能有十個不同答案。NVN嘅出現啱啱好,例如上完DKA嘅堂, 第二日返工就遇上要同客人解釋什麼是糖尿病,怎樣打insulin, 課堂加深對病理嘅認知同溝通技巧!其實做va好簡單,可以成功幫到個客同動物已經好開心!多謝NVN提供不同花款嘅堂,同我地傾計咁樣教,易入腦又輕鬆上堂,thanks so much!
Joey Chung
Veterinary Nurse
Buddy's Animal Medical Centre
Joey Chung | Veterinary Nurse | Buddy's Animal Medical Centre |
HKMA Student, Junior Veterinary Nurse
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital
Crystal | HKMA Student, Junior Veterinary Nurse | East Island 24hr Animal Hospital |
Elaine Cheung
Junior Veterinary Nurse
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital
Elaine Cheung | Junior Veterinary Nurse | East Island 24hr Animal Hospital |
“I joined the veterinary nurse course back when I was new to the industry, it certainly was great training to start the journey with. Jan is a patient and detailed teacher, always answering my questions and offering further materials for me to understand the theories and concepts. Her veterinary experience allows her to understand my confusion and struggle from time to time and demonstrated different methods to perform the vet nurse duties with very throughout ways.”
Catherine Lau
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Pawsure Veterinary Hospital
Catherine Lau | Senior Veterinary Nurse | Pawsure Veterinary Hospital |
“I have found the course to be interesting with plenty of valuable knowledge that I can apply in my daily work. It also makes me feel more confident when I am handling tricky cases and worrying owner as well. They provide a lot of great and useful learning materials so I can review them anytime. Some of the lecturers have practical training, so you can practice as much as you can on the dummy before you do it for real. No hesitation in recommending it for those who wish to improve your knowledge and skill!”
Suiki Chan
Veterinary Nurse
Harvest Veterinary Oncology Centre
Suiki Chan | Veterinary Nurse | Harvest Veterinary Oncology Centre |
“7年既Veterinary Nurse 工作,到第8年遇上阿Jan ,她教識我好多之前沒真正了解到既野。她從不吝嗇,將自己咁多年既知識及經驗教我,每一次上堂她都會用心咁去講解,每堂既功課/上堂既資料去到測驗,所有既題目都係她嘔心瀝血咁編輯出黎(🤣我都係第一次劃心臟結構)真心多謝呢位老師。”
Junius Tong
Veterinary Nurse
The City University Veterinary Medical Centre
Junius Tong | Veterinary Nurse | The City University Veterinary Medical Centre |
“三年前剛讀完Nurse Diploma,雖然有書本上的知識,但實踐經驗始終太少。在我感到非常迷惘的時候,幸好有Jan既耐心教導,幫助我重溫書本上的知識,亦利用器官模型和真實例子去令我更了解貓狗不同的病。除了病理的知識,還有透過毛公仔示範應如何扶動物抽血,讓醫生檢查,照X光等等。好幸運遇到Jan,扶持我由一個初出茅廬的小朋友,成長為一個有經驗的獸醫護士!”
Johnny Cheng
Customer Service Representative/ Junior Veterinary Nurse
Creature Comforts TKO Veterinary Centre
Johnny Cheng | Customer Service Representative/ Junior Veterinary Nurse | Creature Comforts TKO Veterinary Centre |
“多謝Jan係Creature Comforts 栽培,為一粒種子灌輸對動物知識及對醫療既認識,由零變到有。我真係好中意上Jan 既taining class,永遠唔會忘記佢對教學果份熱城 ,由朝早10點教到6點,絕冇hea 場,飲啖水又再講過,有時更加講到聲都沙埋。佢教過我既範疇實在太多,有最新仔果陣既防蚤防牛碑心絲蟲配搭、以至之後藥物認用 、lab 機唔同既應用甚至保養、consult 時點樣扶動物、手術流程…大大少少我都記進心裏,而且會應用於日常工作。最後真係衷心講聲多謝!”
Navy Leung
Senior Veterinary Nurse & Management
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital
Navy Leung | Senior Veterinary Nurse & Management | East Island 24hr Animal Hospital |
“入行多年有感獸醫護士質素參差,在職培訓(邊做邊學)很多時候累積到經驗但欠缺相關基礎知識。職前或在職學習(self learning ) 為近年獸醫護士行業新趨勢。
Lady Ridley-Dash
Senior Veterinary Technician (Surgery)
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital
Lady Ridley-Dash | Senior Veterinary Technician (Surgery) | East Island 24hr Animal Hospital |
“Jan is a very knowledgeable teacher. She teaches in a fun way that makes a course more interesting. The training is very useful and practical in that every detail is helping us with our everyday work routine. I strongly recommend Jan to those vet nurses that want to know more and do more for their patients. We were very lucky to have Jan as our teacher and a colleague.”
Phoebe Ka
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Phoebe Ka | Senior Veterinary Nurse |
“I have known the Nerdy Vet Nurse Team for more than a decade and have worked with them in different clinics. Chun Fun's management skills and creativity always lead every single clinic she worked to a whole next level by introducing different new technology, equipment, and skills. Jan's training further strengthens the skills and knowledge of the team. With them working together, they bring quality medicine and management. Highly recommend Nerdy Vet Nurse.”
Jackie Yeung
Senior Veterinary Nurse & Management
Jackie Yeung | Senior Veterinary Nurse & Management |
“I highly recommend the Nerdy Vet Nurse program. It is a great and professional place to start up your veterinary nurse career and new clinic business.
Jan is a great and supportive mentor. Her teaching methods are clear and concise. This program has a good balance of theory and practical teaching which are both solid and useful knowledge for you who work in the veterinary nurse industry. These programs are the best place for new blood or those who are already in this field to build up your veterinary nurse career.
They also have a strong team to help you set up a new clinic. The team has more than 20 years of experience in the veterinary industry. Their professional skills and high-quality service can help you set up your high standard clinic.“
Donna Buan
Senior Veterinary Technician (Hospital)
East Island 24hr Animal Hospital
Donna Buan | Senior Veterinary Technician (Hospital) | East Island 24hr Animal Hospital |
“Jan have always been knowledgeable especially in teaching different aspect of veterinary nursing. I really love the way she teaches us and helping other nurses in a unique way. If ever you are looking for someone you can trust especially in this industry, no doubt, Jan can help you with all her best by giving the best course and training of a veterinary nurse need. Thank you for being the best mentor Madame Jan. You have brought the best in me in this profession and made me ask your colleague. Cheers!”
Anita Chiu
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Pawsure Veterinary Hospital
Anita Chiu | Senior Veterinary Nurse | Pawsure Veterinary Hospital |
“喂呀😆 Nerdy Vet Nurse 終於都成立喇!春分同埋阿珍呢個組合加埋真係非常好,Management 又得,教書又得。好多診所都好忙未必會教你野,成日都要靠自學;但呢2個人死都要拉你埋一邊唔明講到你明,有時又百科全書咁有問必答,真係令你每日都長知識。學多D野對做野又幫助,又幫到病人,快D搵佢地增值下啦!”
Claire Hunter
Veterinary Nurse
The City University Veterinary Medical Centre
Claire Hunter | Veterinary Nurse | The City University Veterinary Medical Centre |
“Jan is a very thorough, supportive and dedicated teacher and her guidance has really deepened my knowledge and skills in the veterinary nursing field. The course is detailed, organised and well thought out and my learning experience with Jan has been so positive and effective- I highly recommend her course.”