Our Team.
Jan aka “The Teacher”
QVN (Cert. IV in Veterinary Nursing), RVN (AVANT, VNCA), ISFM DipFN, RECOVER ALS/BLS certified, Fear Free certified
Experience: 10+ years in Emergency Hospital
Speciality: Feline, VN training and mentoring
About her: When seeing the vets n vet nurses tried their best to save her family dog at her younger age, little Jan was so impressed and made her decide to become one of them in the future. (The truth is, she loves being a nurse, but she mostly loves wearing those professional scrubs with lovely colours)
In the first few years of her vet nurse life, she worked in different clinics and met so many incredible vets and vet nurses. She learned so much from them however one thing that made her so confused was things were done in so many different ways and she never knows what is right or what is wrong (Even Dr. google can’t help). So, she decided to find the answers herself and she dived into vet nurse professional studies.
The more she learned, the more she realized how much she doesn’t know. Since then, she can’t control herself from continuously studying and improving every day. She believes the key to delivering quality medicine to furry patients is a team of well-educated and experienced medical staff. She wants to improve the quality and professionalism of veterinary nurses/ assistants, so the best care can be provided to the patients and pet owners. And she will do whatever she can to make this happen. Therefore, she joined Nerdy Vet Nurse in 2022, to provide more learning and continuous development opportunities for veterinary nurses.
Love: Being attacked by wagging tails, Cat kneading, Milky smell from pups and kitties, Post Malone, Killed all hospital tx
Hate: Assignment deadlines, OT
Philosophy & quote:
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” Albert Einstein
“In all chaos, there is a Cosmos” Carl Jung
Navy aka “Dai To Por”
QVN (Cert. IV in Veterinary Nursing), RVN (AVANT, VNCA), RECOVER ALS/BLS certified, Fear Free certified
Experience: 15+ years in general practices and emergency Hospitals
Speciality: Client communication, owner education
About her: Navy joined this industry after her puppy 'Fei Kei' was diagnosed with canine parvo virus, which is a virus that causes severe illness and death in dogs.
Navy was inspired by how the vet saved Fei Kei's life, and she also learned some basic handling skills when she took care Fei Kei at home.
Thank god 'Fei Kei' survived and spent his entire 14years with Navy.
Navy was a 'white paper' when she first joined this industry. First job, first time being a pet owner, first time being a receptionist and nurse.
It was really challenging for a young girl to learn so much new stuff and work in a busy 24hours hospital at the same time.
She took sometimes to explore, learn and practice all the new things she faced every day.
In the past years, she has tried development in different ways. Such as management roles, working in an ER hospital, working with an oncology consultant, clinical trial research, mentoring junior veterinary nurses, fear free protocol set up, owner education etc.
In the future she would like to develop better care for palliative care patients, like a pet sanatorium for cancer and incurable disease patients. Also, to upgrade Hong Kong's pet living environment by promoting owner education.
Love: Sniffing Fong Bao yeasty paws, problem-solving, completing tasks on time and in an effective way, fear free handling
Hate: Assignments, meaningless meetings
Philosophy and Quote:
”The only source of knowledge is experience.”- Albert Einstein
"To be or Not to be, that is the question."-William Shakespeare
Kalyn aka “The Bo Bo”
Qualification: Master on cat sniffing
Experience: 3 years working in veterinary industry.
Speciality: Fits into everywhere. Sniffing cats. Being thrifty.
About her: Kalyn, the waste water CRI girl. Use the least budget to do the most things. She believes that rather than rely on others, the more efficient way is to build up herself.
She found vet nurse is a challenging but with meaningful job, so she keeps building up herself. She knows it is an endless learning and experiencing, which attracted her to stay in the veterinary industry.
She enjoys teamworks, and always try to be the one who can maximize the team. Team is always better than alone.
Love: Selene & Leila, waste water
Hate: Dr Google, boring works.
Philosophy and quote:
”Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.” - Immanuel Kant